Im neulich vorgestellen Artikel „The World’s Technological Capacity to Store, Communicate, and Compute Information“ steht auch das hier:

In an information theoretic sense […], information is defined as the opposite of uncertainty.

Und weiter:

Shannon […] defined one bit as the amount of information that reduces uncertainty by half (regarding a given probability space, such as letters from an alphabet or pixels from a color scale).

Wichtig dabei ist das Folgende:

This definition is independent of the specific task or content.

Und dann kommt’s:

[…] after normalization on optimally compressed bits we can say things like “a 6-cm2 newspaper image is worth a 1000 words” because both require the same average number of binary yes/no decisions to resolve the same amount of uncertainty.

Cool wa!

Zeitungsbilder die kleiner sind, sagen also NICHT mehr als 1000 Worte … .oO(wer haette das gedacht).

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